Friday, February 17, 2012

Have you ever skipped a day? I mean an entire day. Not like waking up late, but actually skipping a day? Well for me, that day was Tuesday, March eleventh, Two-Thousand and Eight. I was asleep when that day passed.  I'm sure some people were born that day, and that some people made the journey to Eternity that day, but none of that means anything to me, because on that day, I was making a journey of my own.  

"Hey guys, me and your father got asked to pastor a church for a few months."
"Oh cool! Where?"
"In Fiji. We're leaving within the month. You guys are all welcome to come."
And that's how it started. The story of how I died, for the first time. The story of how my flesh disappeared from my spirit.......

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Television Obsession

I have an obsession. It wasn't an obsession, lets say January 1st 2012. My obsession with this show is easily justified. It has the perfect mix of humor, drama,  and romance. It has its touching moments in which you want to cry as you empathize with the character, and you die laughing at the witty dialog and off the wall situations. Its seriously one of the best shows that 've seen since the Dick van Dyke show (which is awesome). The name of my latest obsession is.....

Avatar: The last airbender. 
Yes, I know what you're thinking. "Really? a cartoon kids tv show? How old are you?"
But I must say that even from an objective point of view, this show is awesome. Don't diss it until you've tried it. No, seriously, watch it. It's on Netflix. Now that I'm talking about tv shows, whhy should I stop now.
Another one of my old tely obsessions was Heroes.

Perhaps you've heard of it? Heroes is not at all like the normal shows I watch. It was gory beyond compare and quite frightening. But I must say, that it kept me going, and it wasn't all about dating and relationships and boy-girl drama, (as some things are about nowadays) I once watched the entire season 2 in one sitting. (I was feeling sickly, don't judge me) One thing that pisses me off about Heroes, is the way it ended. It was without a doubt the most cliff hanger ending to anything I'd ever seen. "I came 4 seasons for this!!??"
My favorite Heroes character? Sylar.

 Even though he was a deranged serial killer who mercilessly murdered people in the worst way possible, I knew that there was good in him, and that deep down, he really just wanted to be good all along (but don't tell that to the 4 seasons worth of dead people).
And My other favorites, are of course: Hiro and Ando, for obvious reasons.

  If You've never seen Heroes, then thats not exactly a bad thing, it may or may not be for you.

Another show that I used to love is Smallville.

This used to be awesome, but then it got insanely redundant and mostly about sex. It was like this.
  "Oh! Heres comes a tornado! It must be lex luthors fault!" "Whaat? Me! Why are you blaming a tornado on me!!?" "Because its your fault! Everything is your fault! Your an awful selfish person!!" The end. But then it got even worse when in the 8th season (which is where my obsession swiftly ended) they decided to take out lex luthor and replace him with another bad person. But I must say that before the..... I'll say 7th season, Smallville was awesome sauce, but then it took a wrong turn.

The last show I'm going to praise god that I'm not into anymore is......drum roll please!

Secret Life of the american teenager! THIS SHOW IS A CURSE. DO NOT WATCH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. too bad it took me 4 seasons to realize this.

Now go, and be golden.