Thursday, October 6, 2011

Food for thought......or making

Well i have no idea what my blog should be about.....hmm

Well recently my mother and father told me that they can not give me away in holy matrimony until I know how to cook.

Well me and cooking have a long history. Back in the day, I used to master this giant with the ease of greased lightning. I held it under my thumb and gained the  advantage, it was a breeze. But now in the latter years of this survival game, I have begun to fall into fourth place, my father, mother, and little brother ahead of me. After failing time and time again i began to give up hope of ever finding peace, or food in this case. My lack of culinary expertise has gotten so bad that i have in fact tried to make noodles and literally turned them into mashed potatoes. That was an experience.
But I am ecstatic to say that last night, I successfully made dinner. By myself. Without help. And I got compliments on it.


I dare say that I am extremely excited about that. Mission all I need is a husband. Any takers?


  1. Everybody messes up cooking sometimes. I like to cook but had an "Whoops!"/"Weren't those once hash browns?" moment last night. T'was not pretty.
    You know Jai HO!?

  2. What did you successfully make?

  3. Yes, for future reference we need to know. What did you successfully make?
