Thursday, January 12, 2012

The "B" word.....

Guess what?! well.....a few months ago at the SHARE harvest party, I played basketball. That in itself says a lot. Because before then, the last time I played basketball was in Mexico the year before, and when I played then, me and my friend ended up losing the game to a one legged boy (his other leg was broken). Now as you can imagine, losing to a one-legged person does wonders for your basketball self-esteem (it makes it plummet and crash to the ground). But the night of the Harvest party, I was incredibly bored, so I decided to shoot around with Calvin. After just messin around, Calvin had the bright idea that he was going to get a game going. So we start playing, and I hated to admit it, but it was fun. And I wasn't as breath takingly awful as I thought. Just shooting around with Malachi, Isiah, Calvin and Matthias got me thinking. "Hm," I said to myself, "this isn't so dreadful as I was originally lead to believe." So as I went home, I shared the news with my dad. His little ole face lit up with excitement (for basketball is his forte) "You wanna play!? Really!" ........
Two weeks later, I had my first practice. And it was much worse then I ever could have imagined. Pain. Breathlessness. Too much sweat (I'm sure some tears were in there as well). As I bent over gasping for my very life, I wanted to quit. I told myself that my life would be much easier if I never had to do this again. But then again, who said anything would be easy? I remembered the first time I started gymnastics again, It was like this. What if I had quit then? I never would have accomplished all I did that year. "Stick it out Janelle, this is only your first practice, you can do it!" said the Therapist in my head (that sounds a lot like this dude I know). 
Basketball runs in my family.  My dad played basketball in high school, college, he was the assistant coach for a college team, and he played in the 40 & over league (which I think is really funny). My uncle played, my aunt played, and my cousin(s) play(s). So I must say, that its quite intimidating having so many basketball stars surrounding you. I have never played organized basketball before in my life, and it's very scary. I'm scared of basketball. But I love conquering my fears, so basketball, prepare to be crushed.  
Guess what again? I scored 12 points at one of my games last week!! whoot whoot! En tu cara! Go Patriettes!

The one in the front is my very own cousin.

The one dunking is the same awesome cousin

 Here is my dad schooling somebody! whoot whoot!