"I'm Not a dentist, go across the street."
"I'm not a dentist, go up the street."
"Is this a dentists office?"
"Yes, but he is not in. Go up the street."
This was the third doctor/dentists office within a 20ft radius. How did they all stay in business? After Grace had gotten her mirror and examined her mouth, she realized that what she held in her hand was indeed the outer wall of her tooth. Gross. Word eventually got out that 'Gracie broke her tooth' and less then a half hour later she found herself walking around town looking for a dentist. Thankfully she didn't have to make the fateful trip alone. Ana*, her team leader, Josh, the Country assistant, and Miranda, the faithful friend also accompanied her.
"Is the dentist in?"
"No, go next door?"
When they finally reached the last suggested place, it was packed with people, so they only assumed that they had finally struck gold. After signing in, and waiting a spell, They went back to the dentists room and got a diagniosis. When the young Panamian saw Grace's mouth she let out a shriek of horror. Grace had 7 cavities and 3 teeth that need to be extracted.
"Huh? Whats 'extracted'?" Grace worried. Josh smiled at her, "Don't worry, It'll be fine" he said as the dentist sat her down in the chair.
Grace laughed through her nervous fear, this was actually a really funny situation. Miranda sat next to her in a different chair, trying to comfort the tortured soul, while Ana talked to the dentist in Spanish, for Ana was the only fluent one in the group.
After the dentist took one more look at her patient, she started pulling out the tools. Nut crackers, wrenches, scissors, and knives is what all the dentistry tools looked like to Grace. More nervous laughter. Oh, junk.
After getting stabbed in the mouth by a needle, Grace felt one side of her face go numb, she heard Miranda laughing at the lopsided swollen-ness, and she felt the extraction process begin. ...
About a half hour later, after Grace had rinsed and spit for the fourth time, gotten the hole in her mouth sewed up, and said goodbye to a tooth she would never again have the pleasure of eating with, she received another important piece of information. She would have to get shots for antibiotics, shw would have to get shots, in her butt.
"Wha?!!" Grace asked with a numb and swollen mouth,
"Shhh! You can't talk for another half hour!"
Grace groaned, talk about an adventure.........
*names have not been changed
This. Is. Horrifying. (but at the same time I'm laughing....)